RMS Consulting

Tag: Soft Skills Training

Teams and teamwork have become a common factor in modern organisations. But what are they about and how can an organisation benefit from operating on a teamwork basis.

We all know what good writing is. It's the novel we can't put down, the poem we never forgot, and the speech that changes the way we look at the world. Good writing is hard work, and even the best writers get discouraged.

If you have knowledge or experience or are simply a good listener you have probably already been a mentor – helping someone to learn, sort out a problem or devise a plan.

This course will give you valuable information about common barriers to effectively managing your time at work.

This course provides comprehensive training in the skills related to building effective workplace relationships. From defining the exact nature of effective workplaces the course also offers a blueprint for developing trust and confidence in the workplace.

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a broad range of activities to meet the requirements of the particular project. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to project management, an in depth analysis of the lifecycle of a project, training in planning and risk management and the necesssary people skills assiociated with project management.

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any business.  A potential customer's perception of any company is founded on how the front line staff handle the initial moment of contact.  A focused awareness of the customer's expectations, brought about by the use of highly developed communication skills, will lead to a more profitable relationship, satisfactory to both your company and your client.

Successful organizations recognize that critical thinking and creative solutions to problems significantly enhance business potential. Today's decision makers must use a variety of thinking styles, methodologies and creative processes. In this course, you develop your skills as a critical thinker and problem solver. You learn to leverage your personal thinking preferences using tools and techniques.

For any organisation, properly managing change is vital for achieving a successful transformation from how things are, to how things should be ! This course provides in depth change management training. It further offers a detailed examination of the change process and how a leader overcomes resistance to change.

Communication is the exchange of thoughts or information using speech, signals, writing or behaviour. The Business Communications title is a series of ready to deliver modules that introduce how such exchanges take place in a business environment.

In this course, we investigate the basics of accounting. We introduce the skills and knowledge required to prepare and understand the financial plans and budgets that are crucial to the ongoing operation of an organisation.

The Internet can save you time and money, and it can make you time and money. Whether you own a business or work for one, being able to use the Internet effectively is critical. This course covers the basics of how you can use the Internet for selling, researching and communicating in business.

Conflict Resolution training has been a much neglected subject in the past, but the need to train security personnel and other staff in this subject has now become of paramountimportance.


This online course is designed to provide participants with the necessary skills and information to undertake best practice customer service in Ireland.

Most employers select people for jobs by giving them an interview. This course will guide you through the necessary steps to succeed in an interview situation.



In this course you will learn how you can be more influential and persuasive when you negotiate, without resorting to bullying, manipulation or misuse of authority.


This courses will help you to identify, understand and handle stress, as well as reduce pressure by better managing your time.


This course gives an overview of verbal and nonverbal communication at work. You will learn about how communication works, how you can improve the likelihood that you can be more effective at work.


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to leadership and the steps one must take to become an effective leader.